FDA x Ardenwood

Register for FDA Ardenwood ‘s 2nd annual program here (in partnership with FUSD)! Register by February 27th!

DISCLAIMER: Because of limited bandwidth, we will be capping this year’s program at ~24-30 5th grade students. Students will be admitted on a first come, first serve basis. All students beyond capacity will be put on a waitlist.

Fremont Debate Academy (FDA), a 501 © (3) non-profit organization, will be running its 2nd annual Ardenwood Debate program! It will be led by Ardenwood teacher Ms. Friedheim. This program is only for 5th graders and is running as part of an official partnership with Fremont Unified School District. Students will learn various structured forms of argumentation, and research techniques. Through practice sessions, drills, and mini-competitions, students’ public speaking skills will be vastly improved. At the end of the school year, all students can participate in the FDA international tournament!

FDA Ardenwood sessions will be held on Mondays from 3:30pm to 5:00pm in Room 32 at Ardenwood Elementary There will be 8 classes for this program. The start date for the sessions will be March 11th, and the last session will be on 5/6.  Note: Parents are responsible for picking their children up promptly at 5:00 PM right after the session. 

The full list of session dates are the following:  3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6.

Feel free to direct any questions to our instructor: Ardenwood Teacher Ms. Friedheim @ tfriedheim@fusdk12.net.

Meet the Team


Ms. Teresa Friedheim

Ardenwood Teacher

TBD - High School Lead